
Secret to keeping new year resolutions

Dr Shradha Shejekar

BENGALURU: New Year is normally the time when most of us decide to make resolutions that will have a positive impact on our lives and make us healthier, happier and better people. But often those resolutions are broken within a few days or weeks of starting them. So, are there motivational techniques that could help us keep those resolutions? Here are a few tips that could help.

Make simple resolutions

Many times we take up difficult tasks or make resolutions which require us to put in a lot of effort during the new year euphoria. This especially becomes challenging when we have been relaxing or procrastinating for a long time. The idea is to pick up simple tasks. For example, if weight loss is your goal, aim at one kg loss in two weeks’ time. This will give you some time to get adjusted to your new diet and workout plan and also keep you motivated as the goal is realistic.

Prepare a time-table

Having a goal is not enough, it is important to accommodate a plan in your schedule to reach that goal. Do not procrastinate saying, “I don’t have time for this”. Hence, a realistic time table will definitely help. Try to abide by your timetable at least for the first half of the day to begin with. With time, you will get used to the routine and will be able to follow the timetable easily.

Do not make too many resolutions

Just like ‘too many cooks spoil the broth’, making too many resolutions can often lead to confusion, frustration and exhaustion. Hence, start with the ones that you feel will bring a significant change in your life and gradually add on newer goals as you start working on them.

Positivity is the key

There will be times when you feel like giving up. At such times, look back on what prompted you to make that resolution. Keep reminders like a memento, sticker or a note at your station or cupboard that will help you stick to your resolution.


Listen to happy energising music at times when you feel like quitting. It can work wonders.

Don’t work at it alone

Having someone partner with you in your resolutions can help, but remember it is a double-edged sword. While the going will be good as long as both keep the resolutions, if one partner gives up for whatever reason, it could well affect the other. Remember that it is a completely personal choice to have a partner to discuss plans, failures, difficulties and possible solutions.

Address mental health issues

Mental health issues can act as a barrier to feeling motivated. Ensure that these issues are addressed first to ensure smooth planning further.


Planning perks for yourself such as your favourite food, or outings on weekends as a gift to yourself definitely works wonders to motivate yourself as it creates a sense of looking forward to something.

(The writer is consultant psychiatrist, Specialist Hospital)