
Core values: HIIT like piloxing, step aerobics, Zumba strong, kettlebell training and TRX are part of Almos’ four-week bootcamp

Rebecca Vargese

While common perceptions of fitness revolve around long hours spent in a gym with a gruelling workout, city-based trainer Almos Begum is out to debunk misconceptions built around workouts and movement with her new Four-Week Fitness Bootcamp. One of the newer entrants into the no-equipment workout scene, Almos previously worked as a Pilates and Zumba trainer before starting her own studio in 2014. “Traditional workout methods focus on exercises for a single muscle, which is why some gym-goers have good upper body strength but lack in core or lower body strength. Plyometrics or bodyweight exercises are a combination of cardio, strength and core training leading to routines like Cross-Fit, Zumba and power Pilates to be in trend right now,” begins the International Sports Science Association-certified trainer. 

Body language
Opting to focus on Body Composition Analysis (BCA) rather than create fitness routines based on weight and BMI, Almos’ four-week program includes workouts and meals plans that are tailor-made based on understanding the individual’s fat to muscle ratio and metabolism. “We try not to count micro-nutrients, but suggest meal plans that include the client’s daily food habits. Our focus is working towards a V-shaped body for men and an hourglass figure for women. Most routines are directed towards activating the core because fat deposits around the midriff are most harmful.” While each participant is given a different routine based on requirement, Almos tells us that everyone is subjected to the Fit Test that includes a series of switch kicks, power jacks, power jumps, power planks and steps. Thereby making high cardio, strength training and core-centred drills the basis of each session.

Set the tone 
A five-point approach method to fitness that includes form, balance, core, posture and range of motion, every day at the studio includes a different schedule. Almos Fitness Studio’s weekly timetable consists of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) like piloxing, step aerobics, Zumba strong, kettlebell training, TRX and a mandatory rest day.“Mixing up routines ensures that the regimen is holistic and that it is a  multiple muscle workout. We plan on including other routines like Plyo Pilates, Muay Thai training, and the Insanity workouts (a series of short, high-intensity workouts) soon,” she says, adding that the 2,000 sq feet studio was created for routines that involve extensive body movements.

Smooth sailing  
Besides custom making meals plans for clients that include a weekly grab and go option, Almos Fitness studio also has a smoothie bar that participants can indulge in after a workout session.   

Rs 5,000 for the four-week fitness boot camp. Details: 7708025667