
Hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver, can be managed with the help of a few simple lifestyle changes 

Deepika Rathod

Hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver, can be managed with the help of a few simple lifestyle changes to your everyday diet

July 28 marked World Hepatitis Day; a day aimed at raising awareness around hepatitis and encouraging its prevention, diagnosis and treatment. So, let’s first understand what hepatitis means. It is an inflammation of the liver. Many illnesses and conditions can cause inflammation of the liver, for instance: drugs, alcohol, chemicals and autoimmune diseases. There are different types of hepatitis viruses, most common being hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. Apart from these, other viruses such as Epstein-Barr virus, Adenovirus and Cytomegalovirus can also cause liver inflammation.

How do you know it’s hepatitis?

It is to be noted that few people may not show any symptoms at the beginning but some may observe any of these symptoms at an early stage:

 Fatigue

 Malaise or discomfort

 Yellowing of skin, nail, eyes and urine (jaundice)

 Abdominal pain or swelling

 Fever

Loss of appetite, nausea and weight loss

So far, there is no treatment for hepatitis; but, here are some lifestyle changes that will help in overcoming the inflammation:

 To start with, it is important to maintain hygiene as all of these viruses spread due to contamination. Ensure basic hygiene by washing your hands frequently, especially after using the washroom or before eating.

 Everything starts with what you eat. Be careful with bad quality fats especially trans-fat-containing foods (commercially baked muffins, cookies, pastries, doughnuts, cakes, packaged snacks like chips and crackers, vegetable shortening, stick margarine, candy bars and repeated use of the same oil for frying, etc). Take it easy with red meat (lamb, beef, pork) and include lean meat (chicken without skin), fatty fish and eggs in your diet.

 Choose cold-pressed virgin oils for cooking — coconut oil is the best. Omega 3 fatty acids will help in reducing liver inflammation. Note of caution; though some fats are good, take care of the portions you consume as anything in excess is bad. Moderation is the key.

 Replace refined sugar with natural sugar substitutes like raw organic honey, jaggery, coconut sugar, date sugar and stevia.

 Add plenty of natural anti-inflammatory agents to your diet in the form of spices and herbs like turmeric, cumin, black pepper, garlic, ginger, star anise, cinnamon and nigella seeds.

 Take about 10 to 15 basil leaves and half a radish; make a freshly prepared radish smoothie. Drink this daily for about two to three weeks for better results. Basil and radish reduce the bilirubin deposition in the body and helps in flushing out the liver.

 The anti-inflammatory and alkalising property of lemon helps in treating liver diseases. Lemon also unblocks the bile ducts, therefore making it the most effective home remedy for jaundice; it makes the body alkaline and detoxifies the liver.