
Five essentials to fight COVID-19 while stepping out 

F Khatoon

The pandemic is not over yet and the rising cases are proof of that. While some of us are still following the protocol of wearing the mask diligently and also using sanitiser while stepping out, for a complete defence you need more. Here are the five essentials that you must carry when stepping out.    

Mask is definitely the most important tool to fight the invisible virus and in order to keep yourself and the people around you safe carrying and wearing a mask is a sign of you being socially responsible. It can be a bother, yes, but it is absolutely essential for you to cover your nose and mouth with a mask when you go out in the public. And what’s more – there are a host of masks out there to choose from that can be as reflective of your personality and mood as your clothes. It is not a stretch or frivolous to call the face mask the hottest new statement-making accessory right now.

Hand sanitizers comes in as a close second to the masks of course. And it’s a must-have in your purse. They come in several sizes depending on whether you want something to fit into your pocket or your large tote - Sachets, pens, small squeezy bottles you can choose from any of the formats. Only pro tip – make sure the sanitizer has at least 60% alcohol content to do the job effectively.  

A reusable bag

It is no longer just about being environmentally conscious. It is also about making sure you don’t have to touch objects that have passed through other hands directly! It might be a mini purchase or a big grocery haul, make sure the products purchased are put directly into your bag instead of being passed to you across the counter. And you know the next step too – wipe them down with a sanitizer, or a germ protecting wipe (yes! These are available too) before you actually start using them or shelving them at home.


You might not have considered this one, but with the use of masks, mints become essential. You might have already found your mask fogging up your glasses but have you noticed that staying behind the mask for a prolonged period also takes a toll on your breath? It also has a name – Mask Breath. Staying minty fresh behind the mask is as much for you to feel confident and fresh as it is for the occasions when you take them off for some form of carefully considered social interaction.  Choose one of those small packs that do not compromise on the action to save space.

Pocket Perfumes

In summers sweat is released which sometimes causes a bad body odour. To avoid that use long-lasting deodorants or roll-ons as well as always carry pocket perfumes with you to apply that often. It will give you a sense of freshness and helps in stimulating the body senses in a positive manner. Pick up any portable perfume or take our suggestion and buy ITC Engage Pocket Perfumes.