
ITC Hotels announces ban on single use plastic

Rashmi Rajagopal

As the war against plastic rages on, with NGOs fashion houses, restaurants and others doing their bit, luxury hotels too are joining the fight. Spearheading the cause is ITC Hotels, which recently announced a number of sustainability practices. While the hotel chain has always had an environment-friendly approach to luxury, some of their new changes include a complete ban on single use plastic from October 2019, the introduction of Zero Emission Day and use of renewable energy. 

By December this year, the hotel aims to eliminate plastic by using wooden stirrers for drinks, bamboo toothbrushes, glass bottles, bamboo combs, bamboo-based cotton buds, wooden cutlery and biodegradable environment-friendly packaging for toiletries. 

Zero Emission Day was observed at the hotel on September 21, 2019. To mark the occasion, the staff were all asked to leave their personal vehicles behind and use public transport to commute to work. In addition, both ITC Windsor and ITC Gardenia are completely powered by wind turbines through their own wind farms located in Bellary district.

If you’re looking for luxury minus the guilt, now you know where to go!