Federation of Historic Vehicles of India (FHVI) hosts an exclusive motorcycle show, for the very first time in India. The two-day event at UB City, will display 200 Motorcycles from across the country. The bikes from the early 1900s to 1980s will be on display. Expect to catch a glimpse of Royal Enfields, Jawas, Yezdis, Harley Davidsons, Indians, Nortons, Triumphs, BMWs, BSAs, Matchless, AJSs and Lambretta, along with very rare bikes such as Velocette, Cossack, Douglas, CZ, JAP, Cezeta, Micoletta, Norman and NSU. In addition, the very first cycles - 1860 Boneshakers and 1870 Penny Farthing cycles - will also be on display.
Celebrated Kannada actor, Puneeth Rajkumar will inaugurate the event. Here are some of the bikes you can expect at the show: