Fiona Apple releases a new album, Fetch the Bolt Cutters, to wide critical acclaim

Fiona Apple
Fiona Apple

American singer-songwriter Fiona Apple released her fifth studio album Fetch the Bolt Cutters on April 17, 2020. This is the singer's first release since The Idler Wheel... in 2012.

Fans and critics love the album, with Rolling Stone calling it , "a triumphant statement of self-discovery and solidarity" and Vox stating, it is, "the impotent fury of right now in convenient album form". 

The Grammy-award winning artiste takes the name of the album from a quote from the British-Irish crime TV show The Fall. The lead character portrayed by Gillian Anderson, recites the phrase fetch the bolt cutters, while investigating a crime scene where a woman was tortured.

The album cover 
The album cover 

The reclusive and iconoclastic musician captures resilience and agony. The raw and unfiltered 13-track album addresses female solidarity, relationships, abuse and rage. Tracks on the album include ShameikaNewspaperCosmonauts and the title track, Fetch the Bolt Cutters.

Listen to teh track here:

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