In an exciting cultural milestone, an upcoming ground-breaking performance by Purva Mantri with a Puneri dhol in the US, will mark a significant moment in the fusion of Indian and Western musical traditions.
Talking about her performance, Purva says, "We are thrilled to announce that a team of 15 will be part of The Purvastic Tour 2024, marking a significant milestone as we introduce the Puneri dhol act to audiences in the US for the first time. This 15-minute segment features an exhilarating blend of traditional rhythms, including the Puneri dhol, tasha, and other percussion instruments, alongside my live vocal performance. We are incredibly excited to share this unique cultural experience and showcase the vibrant energy of the Puneri dhol with the US audience."
About her inspiration to do this she says, "The inspiration for incorporating the Puneri Dhol into my performances came during the Navratri preparations, when I always strive to add an extra special element to my shows. While brainstorming creative ideas with my team, the concept of integrating the Puneri dhol with my singing resonated with me. Having been a rhythm enthusiast since childhood, the idea of playing the dhol while singing felt like a natural and exciting challenge. The overwhelming appreciation for my initial performance of the Vithala song with the Puneri dhol affirmed that this fusion of rhythm and melody was something truly special, and the act continues to captivate audiences."
And lastly talking about the challenges faced in performing with such a heavy instrument, Mantri says, "Performing with the Puneri dhol, which weighs approximately 25-27 kg, presents significant challenges, especially when combining it with singing. The weight of the instrument and the need to sing continuously for 15 minutes requires exceptional physical stamina and precision. Balancing the rhythm of the dhol with my vocal performance demands advanced breathing techniques and meticulous coordination to ensure synchronisation with other instruments on stage. Mastering these aspects has been a rigorous but rewarding endeavour, and it’s all part of the thrill of delivering a memorable performance."