A new musical project titled Charmurti has been launched by Flixbug Music, featuring three music videos by renowned Bengali artists Nachiketa Chakraborty, Shubhamita Banerjee, Raghab Chatterjee and Rupankar Bagchi. The songs, composed by Kundan Saha with lyrics by Gautam Susmit and Rajeev Dutta, offer a fresh and engaging experience for listeners.
The launch event saw the presence of West Bengal's Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture, Sovandeb Chattopadhyay, and former MLA, Baishali Dalmia, along with the artistes and the creative team behind the project.
Charmurti represents a blend of the artistes' creativity and the producers' commitment to delivering quality music. The project is part of a larger initiative to regularly release a variety of songs, including previously unreleased tracks, on YouTube.
The three songs featured in Charmurti include Elomelo Ankabanka, a duet by Nachiketa and Shubhamita, Andhokare Disha performed by Raghab and Chena Achena sung by Rupankar. These tracks are now available for streaming, offering listeners a rich and diverse musical experience.