Known for his innovative blend of trap-hip hop and melodic tunes, Aiden, also known as Aydee or by his stage name Mischief, is all set to release his debut EP. The music industry is abuzz with anticipation as Mischief is set to carve a niche for himself in the industry.
Titled They Made Me Mischievous, his debut EP promises to be a strong entry into the rap scene, with his versatility on display across four powerful tracks. With his deep, auto-tuned voice, this project seamlessly blends introspective, raw lyrics, all set against a backdrop of bass-heavy beats and dark, atmospheric soundscapes.
His latest track, The World is Mine, has already given fans an enticing preview of his creative depth and lyrical prowess. The song lays the foundation for what listeners can expect from his upcoming EP.
Reflecting on his forthcoming release, Mischief shared, "Instead of sticking to the usual formula, I'm pushing boundaries and experimenting with my sound. I'm crafting vibes that draw you in, making you feel deeply and think less, transporting listeners into a euphoric, trance-like state. But even as I explore new sonic territories, my lyrics stay raw, real, and unapologetically authentic. I'm carving out my own path, showcasing my versatility as an artist. This EP offers a taste of everything- you'll feel it when you hear it, but there’s a lot more I can’t talk about with the visuals just yet. You’ll have to see it for yourselves."
The debut EP is set to drop on September 20, promising to be a defining moment in Mischief's career.
(Written by Twinkle Hemani)