Written by British playwright Ronald Harwood, Taking Sides, directed by famous theatre artiste Atul Kumar is on a tour and is going to be staged in Bengaluru on November 12 and 13. This play is set in post-World War II Germany, during the period of 'denazification'. On the surface, the play is about the investigation of a world-famous music conductor of that time, Wilhelm Furtwangler.
Kumar, who is on a tight schedule due to the tour, tells CE that the plot makes sense to the current audience considering the present political condition. "It's been a struggle for the last few years because of the political climate in our country. A lot of artistes are questioning what's going on. The same politicians are terrifying and controlling our lives. We can see what's happening to artistes like standup comedians," says Kumar, who recently finished a successful show in Hyderabad.
The way Kumar - who is also a member of the cast speaks about the plot so passionately, it might be assumed it's something that he could have experienced personally. But he clarifies it's a close friend of his 'who had a hard time'. "A friend of mine had put up a musical theatre of sorts and somebody took offense at what they were doing. An FIR was lodged and four artistes started fighting court cases. They finally won the case but the year was stressful for them," says Kumar, who calls the Bengaluru audience warm and responsive.
Kumar is also thrilled about this show since it marks the tenth anniversary of his theatre production company, The Company Theatre. Being in theatre for more than three decades, Kumar has drawn inspiration from renowned playwrights like Eugene Ionesco and Luigi Pirandello.
Having performed in many absurdist, comical, and larger-than-life plays, with visual elements and clown performances, Kumar says Taking Sides is very different from his previous plays. "It's realistic and straightforward. I am exploring realism through this," says Kumar, who is also gearing up for a web series that is soon going to release.
(Taking Sides will performed at Ranga Shankara on November 12 and 13)