Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone’s film 83 is set to release on June 4. The sports movie also stars Pankaj Tripathi, Boman Irani, Saqib Saleem, Harrdy Sandhu, Tahir Raj Bhasin, and Jatin Sarna in prominent roles, and has been directed by Kabir Khan. The helmer revealed that though streaming platforms have offered a huge amount of money for an OTT release, he has always envisioned
a theatrical release for 83 which follows the story of India's iconic World Cup win in 19983.
"83 is a film that has been envisioned and made to be experienced on the big screen and we are ready to wait for things to get normal and then release it in cinemas," Khan told an entertainment portal.
Main man Ranveer said,” I always wanted to be part of a film where the takeaway would be that sense of national pride. The story of underdogs' triumph is completely lost. There is a whole generation that needs to know and I am happy to be fronting it. I had no idea how we won our first World Cup. They were a complete bunch of underdogs that nobody believed in and they fought and had the ultimate victory. It is a human story.”
Amiya Dev, Kapil Dev’s daughter joined director Kabir Singh as his assistant. The cast trained at Dharamshala Cricket Stadium from former cricketers Balwinder Sandhu and Yashpal Sharma whereas Ranveer Singh was trained by Kapil Dev himself. This will be Ranveer and Deepika’s fourth film together. They were seen in Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela in 2013, Bajirao Mastani in 2015, and Padmaavat in 2018.