There are many people who travel by Uber and Ola every day, and many of them have had weird experiences with drivers, which have been reported. However, Chennai-based designer Pallavi Singh reported an incident which was far worse, as she was on her way home in Chennai. The designer took to social media to share that the Uber car she was travelling in caught fire in the middle of the road, and sent out a warning about the same.
The designer, who was on her way back home, on the TTK flyover, in her Twitter post said she sensed a burning smell in her car, but initially, she thought it was coming from outside the car and ignored it. However, once she drove up the flyover, she noticed smoke coming out of the foot area and AC ducts but to her shock, her driver had not noticed any smoke and did not even care to warn her about it. Upon questioning him, he did not say anything but several people on the outside said there were sparks coming out of the bottom, and told them to pull over.
Pallavi immediately got out of the car with the driver, and from a safe distance, saw the car burn down to ashes along with her belongings including her IDs and wallet. She went on to add that she came to know it was only the skeleton of the car that had remained and said it was the scariest moment of her life. The designer went on to criticise Uber as it had been over 24 hours, and they still hadn’t responded to her about the incident. However, the travel service has now responded, with an official statement, “Uber is grateful that both the rider and driver partner are safe after this incident. We have also reached out to them both and applaud the rider for quickly bringing this issue to our attention. There’s nothing more critical than the safety of our riders and driver partners and we standby to assist the law enforcement with any information they might require.”