Bohemian Rhapsody co-director Bryan Singer, who was sacked months into production for failing to appear on set, has been accused of sexual harassing young boys. Bryan, who is also the director of X-Men has allegations by four men against him, who said that they were abused by him in the 1990s when they were young boys.
The director and his attorney Andrew Brettler have denied all allegations and replied saying that they just wanted to the tarnish his image. One of the men, Victor Valdovinos, who was on the sets of Apt Pupil as a 13-year-old, said the director touched him inappropriately. However, the other three complaints, who were 15,17 and 18, have been filed under pseudonyms and said that they began having sex with the director and the latter shared more details about the director. They added that the director would give people alcohol and drugs to have sex with him.
While Fox had terminated Bryan Singer’s role as the director of Bohemian Rhapsody in December 2017, due to his repeated absence, he was replaced by Dexter Fletcher. However, the director did not fail to congratulate the makers and actors for winning the Golden Globe in the Best Film category. Interestingly, this is also not the first time that Bryan has been accused of sexual assault. In 2014, Michael Egan accused the director of raping him several times in 1999 in Hawaii, when he was only 17-years-old. However, the accusations were dropped because things did not add up in Egan’s account of the incident. In 2018, Bryan Singer had released a statement on social media before a publication said they would publish new accusations, saying that the old false ones are being brought back to tarnish him image.