Actress Kriti Sanon shared the first look of her next film, Mimi. Based on the subject of surrogacy, the actress will reportedly be playing a mother in the film. She shared the first look poster of the film with her fans on Instagram.
In the poster, we can see two hands - one holding a newborn baby and the other one receiving the baby. She wrote: “‘Life is a journey filled with unexpected miracles. Get ready for a journey like never before, #Mimi !! This one’s gonna be so special..”
Speaking about the film to a leading magazine, she reportedly said, “It’s an entertaining story with its heart in the right place. It’s going to be directed by my Luka Chuppi director, Laxman Utekar. I share a great bond with him. It was an idea initially, which has shaped into a script, better than I expected. Laxman sir has the knack of presenting an emotional subject in an entertaining manner. I like the fact that it’s not preachy at all. It’ll make you think. This will be the first film, which will ride on my shoulders as the protagonist is a girl. It’s challenging. I’m nervous about it.”
The film also stars Pankaj Tripathi in the lead role.