Kabir Singh director Sandeep Reddy Vanga will team up with Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu for his next project. Following the box office success of Kabir Singh, which had grossed over Rs 200 crores, the director will once again turn his focus on Tollywood.
“Contrary to rumours, Sandeep hasn’t signed any new Hindi project yet. He will next commence work on his new film with Mahesh Babu. Sandeep had already pitched a story idea which Mahesh really liked. However, since both of were occupied with other commitments, they couldn’t join hands immediately. This project will go on the floors early next year,” a source close to Sandeep was quoted saying in media reports.
The Telugu Superstar is currently shooting on Sarileru Neekevaru that is being directed by Anil Ravipudi