Like another expecting celebrity mothers, Lisa Haydon has been sharing her pregnancy journey with her fans on Instagram. On Monday evening, the 33-year-old actress posted an image from her workout session. Dressed in a black crop top and a pair of cream shorts, Lisa can be seen sporting a baby bump in the picture. In her post, Lisa talked about no matter how much she trains, her body will undergo changes. Lisa's IG fam was inspired by her post and comments like "You're very inspiring" and "you have set the bar high" flooded the post. Among the other celebs to share their love on the image was Amy Jackson, who also recently gave birth to her first child.
Sharing the post on her Instagram profile, Lisa Haydon wrote: "My sister dragged me to the gym today as I've had a really lazy pregnancy. Of course, I understand being fit can lead to a healthier labour etc... But I think it's really important to remember at this stage, No matter how well I train, I'm only going to get bigger. Okay, with that in mind, let's do it." She added the hashtag #healthynotskinny to her post.
Lisa Haydon married entrepreneur Dino Lalvani in the year 2016 and the couple welcomed their first child together in the year 2017. The model-turned-actress announced her second pregnancy in an adorable post, featuring her son Zack and husband Dino and she wrote:"Party of four on the way."
Photo gallery: Here’s how Amy Jackson is embracing motherhood
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