Businessman Raj Kundra, the husband of actress Shilpa Shetty, was arrested on Monday night for allegedly making pornographic content and publishing them through mobile applications. Reacting to the news, actress Kangana Ranaut took to social media saying that she would expose the 'underbelly of Bullywood' in her upcoming production 'Tiku weds Sheru'.
"This is why I call movie industry a gutter... all that glitter is not gold, I am going to expose underbelly of Bullywood in my upcoming production called Tiku weds Sheru... We need strong value system and conscience in the creative industry and of course a whip (sic)," she wrote on her Instagram story.
This is not the first time that Kangana has threatened to expose Bollywood. Last year, after the death of Sushant Singh Rajput, Kangana had taken to social media to write, "If narcotics Control Bureau enters Bullywood, many A listers will be behind bars, if blood tests are conducted many shocking revelations will happen. Hope @PMOIndia under swatchh Bharat mission cleanses the gutter called Bullywood (sic)."
Meanwhile, Mumbai Police on Tuesday called businessman Raj Kundra and his brother-in-law Pradeep Bakshi the alleged masterminds of an international porn films racket perpetrated through their content production companies based in India and the United Kingdom.
Kundra, who was produced before a Mumbai magistrate on Tuesday, has also been remanded to police custody till July 23.