Manushi Chhillar, former Miss World and actor, is a self-built talent in the Indian cinema who is on the soar and is moving up the career ladder one step at a time. Time and again, she has managed to impress the audiences and fans by keeping it real and she is among the few celebrities who have always been so humble and grounded. Above everything, Manushi is very close to her family and has prioritised her family.
As the world is celebrating Raksha Bandhan, she shares a beautiful picture of herself with her siblings and extends Rakhi wishes to fans across the nation. Manushi posts a lovely picture on her social media, grinning and spending quality time with her siblings. Her beaming smile has captured the hearts of millions of people across the country. With her genuine and cheerful demeanor, it's no surprise that she has a loyal fan base. Manushi shared the photo with a caption.
"The best gift our parents could’ve given me
My BFFs, travel buddies, cheerleaders and the biggest entertainment
#HappyRakshabandhan to the best siblings"
Meanwhile, on the work front, Manushi will be seen in The Great Indian Family, Operation Valentine, and Tehran.