Veteran Indian actress Seema Deo known for her remarkable performances in iconic films like Anand and Kora Kagaz, passed away on Thursday morning. The artiste, who had graced the screens of both Hindi and Marathi cinema with over 80 films, passed at her Bandra residence at the age of 81. The news was confirmed by her filmmaker son, Abhinay Deo.
The actress had been enduring the challenges of Alzheimer's disease for more than three years. According to Abhinay, her passing was attributed to the natural progression of age-related ailments, aggravated by the debilitating effects of Alzheimer's.
He told media sources, “She passed away at 8.30-9 am at her residence in Bandra due to old age. She had been withdrawn completely, and eventually, it is just old age. Alzheimer's is such a thing that you stop figuring out how to function. She had dementia leading up to Alzheimer's and she was suffering from it for over three years.”
“There's no specific reason (for her death). Due to Alzheimer's and dementia, the person forgets how to walk. The muscle memory starts coming down and one by one, the organs start shutting down,” he added.
According to reports, the final rites for Seema are set to take place at 5 pm at Shivaji Park. Her legacy extends beyond her own work, as she was also the wife of the late Ramesh Deo, an accomplished figure in both Hindi and Marathi cinema, who passed away in 2022 at the age of 93.
Seema is survived by her two sons, actor Ajinkya Deo, known for his roles in significant films like Sansaar, Indrajeet, and Aan: Men at Work, and Abhinay, who is known for directing films like Delhi Belly and Force.