Ahsaas Channa, who is known for her roles in Girls Hostel, Kota Factory, Mismatched 2, and Modern Love Mumbai, is spending her 24th birthday working on the upcoming season of the OTT show Half CA. The series delves into the challenges and experiences faced by Chartered Accountancy students in India.
The actress told a news portal, “I love that it’s a working birthday. It’s obviously special doing what you’re passionate about on your birthday. I’ve also made this belief that if I’m shooting on my birthday, I’ll have a busy rest of the year. Doing everything I enjoy about my work on my birthday is the perfect celebration for me.”
In Half CA, Ahsaas portrays the role of Archie Mehta, shedding light on the struggles, aspirations, and intricate lives of CA aspirant students as they navigate the demanding journey to becoming Chartered Accountants.
Starting her career at a young age, Ahsaas appeared as a child artist in films such as Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna, My Friend Ganesha, and Phoonk. She has also been featured in television shows like Savdhaan India, Crime Patrol, Devon Ke Dev...Mahadev, and CID.
Recently, Ahsaas has made a significant shift to OTT platforms, with her projects resonating well with the young-adult audience. Her collaborations with TVF have been particularly well-received, earning praise for her performances.