The end is nigh for Hawkins, Indiana. As the beloved sci-fi series Stranger Things hurtles towards its final season, cast members are grappling with the reality of saying goodbye to the show that catapulted them to global stardom. Among those feeling the weight of the impending farewell is Sadie Sink, the talented actress who brought the complex and courageous character of Max Mayfield to life.
In a recent interview with a poplar media outlet, Sadie candidly expressed her emotions about wrapping up the series. "It's the last season, we really want to savour every moment and deliver a season that everyone has been waiting for," she said. The prospect of bidding adieu to the iconic characters and the tight-knit cast has proven to be an overwhelming experience. With every passing day on set, the realisation that this extraordinary journey is drawing to a close is sinking in, leaving a bittersweet taste.
The fifth and final season of Stranger Things promises to be a thrilling and emotional conclusion to the beloved series. As the sinsiter realm of Upside Down threatens to consume Hawkins, the characters will face their most formidable challenges yet. With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, the stakes have never been higher.
Netflix had earlier revealed on YouTube a BTS sneak peek of the production stage of the final season, including the sets, the costumes and the actors interacting with each other. While the end is undoubtedly bittersweet, Sadie and the rest of the Stranger Things cast are determined to make the final season a truly unforgettable one.