According to reports, legendary actor Mohanlal has been admitted to the hospital. The multifaceted star, renowned for his dynamic screen presence and recent foray into direction, is battling a viral respiratory infection, stated sources.
According to a medical statement, the actor is experiencing high-grade fever, breathing difficulties, and severe muscle pain. While the exact nature of the infection remains undisclosed, doctors have advised a strict regimen of medication and five days of complete rest.
“This is to certify that I have examined Mr Mohanlal, 64 years old male, MRD No 1198168. He is having complaints of high-grade fever, breathing difficulty, and generalised myalgia. He is suspected to have a viral respiratory infection. He has been advised to take medications with five days of rest and to avoid crowded places,” the statement read.
The news of Mohanlal’s hospitalisation comes at a crucial juncture, as his directorial debut, Barroz: Guardian of D'Gama's Treasure, is poised for release on October 3. The highly anticipated 3D fantasy drama has been in the making for several years, with its release date being pushed back multiple times.
Beyond his cinematic endeavours, Mohanlal has consistently demonstrated his commitment to social causes. Earlier this month, he visited the flood-ravaged Wayanad district, extending financial aid of INR 3 crore for rehabilitation efforts.
As the Malayalam film industry and fans send their well wishes to the iconic actor, hopes are high for a speedy recovery.