Actor-Rapper Ludacris took to Instagram to share him crossing off an item from his Alaska bucket list. In the video posted, Ludacris was seen standing at the edge of an ice cap, filling his water bottle with the ice-cold glacier water. He was in Alaska to perform at The Alaska State Fair.
The actor says "I couldn't come here and just have a show. You know I got a bucket list. I've never tasted fresh glacial water ever in my life, and this is a first. Here we go!"
As soon as he took a sip of the freezing water, Luda exclaimed "Oh my God" and ran off camera. One can only assume that means the water was amazing!
Though Ludacris felt “like superman” after drinking water in the purest form, fans were extremely concerned as glacier water is said to be unsafe for consumption. With many worried for his health and concerned about the bacteria in the water.
Other fans were intrigued by his reaction and wanted to try the water themselves, with few saying "glacier water at 4 am would be luxurious" and "I know this water hitting different when you wake up at 3 am and climb the mountain to take a sip"
Ice Cube’s son O'Shea Jackson Jr expressed his concern and reached out saying “how long ago did he shoot this and have we been monitoring him?"
Luda then took to X to reassure the fans that he was safe.
"For everybody asking me how that glacier water really tasted. When I tell you, I'm a water snob, it was the best tasting water I've ever had in my life. As I drank it I felt like every cell in my human body was being hydrated and rejuvenated at the same time."
The rapper ended the video by saying that he was trying to “take y'all places and show y'all things. Come on now.” While Ludacris has one less item on his bucket list maybe he should stick to a water filter for the rest of his trip!