Legendary actor Jackie Chan stole the show on Wednesday as he carried the Paralympic flame through the heart of Paris. The 70-year-old martial arts superstar brought excitement and smiles to the streets of the French capital, just hours before the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games.
Thousands of fans lined the streets, cheering and snapping selfies with Chan as he proudly carried the torch. His participation in the relay added another layer of energy to Paris, which had already hosted the Olympic Games earlier in the month.
This was a special moment for Chan, a longtime supporter of both the Olympics and Paralympics. He joined esteemed figures like French actress Elsa Zylberstein, dancer Benjamin Millepied, and rapper Georgio in their journey of carrying the flame. The relay culminated in the lighting of the final cauldron at the Paris City Hall forecourt, symbolising the start of the Paralympic Games.
Across the city, the famous La Concorde square buzzed with energy as the Parade of Nations took centre stage. Paris was truly in the grip of Paralympic fever.
This isn't Chan's first brush with Olympic glory. Back in 2008, he participated in the torch relay for the Beijing Olympics alongside other Chinese celebrities. His presence at the Paralympic Games served as a reminder of the unifying power of sports. His infectious enthusiasm and dedication to his craft continue to inspire millions around the world.