Daniel Craig, the iconic James Bond actor, made a striking appearance at the Venice International Film Festival with a dramatic new hairstyle. The 56-year-old actor arrived alongside his wife, Rachel Weisz, sporting long brown tresses with striking silver strands.
Craig’s new look has sparked a flurry of discussion on social media, with fans expressing mixed opinions about his transformation. Some have praised the change, believing that longer hair suits him well. Others, however, have expressed nostalgia for his previous buzzcut hairstyle.
Despite the divided reactions, Craig’s new hairstyle has undoubtedly added to the buzz surrounding his appearance at the Venice Film Festival. His presence, along with his latest film Queer’s premiere, has generated significant attention and excitement.
Craig and Weisz attended a dinner at Hotel Cipriani's Il Porticciolo restaurant following their arrival. The couple coordinated their outfits, both opting for neutral tones. Craig sported a grey blazer, white trousers, and a white shirt, while Weisz wore a chic cream dress and a green and white handbag.
The couple was joined by the director of Queer, Luca Guadagnino, as well as the film's cast, including Drew Starkey, Jason Schwartzman, Lesley Manville, and Omar Apollo.
While Craig’s new hairstyle has been the subject of much discussion, the film itself has also garnered attention. Queer is expected to be a significant highlight of the Venice Film Festival, and its premiere has generated excitement among film enthusiasts.