Mallobika Banerjee has set the internet ablaze with her latest social media post, where she channels her inner fashionista in a stunning red bodycon leather dress. Drawing inspiration from Janhvi Kapoor’s iconic red outfit, Mallobika has added her own sizzling twist.
In a series of striking photos, the Mister Bhaduri actress flaunts a red turtleneck leather dress with full sleeves, perfectly hugging her curvaceous figure. While the dress bears a resemblance to Janhvi Kapoor’s celebrated look, Mallobika’s rendition is infused with her signature sultriness and sophistication. Unlike Janhvi's festive backdrop, Mallobika opted for a modern touch, incorporating props to complement her bold style.
Her hair and makeup further enhance the ensemble. Mallobika’s sleek, side-parted hair, styled in a wet look, pairs with her dramatic makeup. Her dark brows, smudged eyes, winged eyeliner, and nude lips create a flawless, radiant appearance. Black nails and stiletto heels add a final touch of elegance and edge to the outfit.
Mallobika shared her excitement about the look, saying, “I was truly mesmerised by Janhvi Kapoor's outfit and knew I wanted to recreate it with my own spin. My stylist and I worked closely to capture the essence of her look while adding my personal touch. I was thrilled with how the pictures turned out and hope my audience loves this reinterpretation. Janhvi is a fashion queen, and her look is one of my favourites.” Fans have been calling her “spicier than red hot chili” and “param Sundari naari .”