Filmmaker Indrasis Acharya's upcoming film, Parcel starring actors Rituparna Sengupta and Saswata Chatterjee in the lead will be screened at the Kolkata International Film festival this year.
Known for his finesse to portray human emotions and crises the way they are on screen, Acharya's latest film has a tout script with all the layers of human emotions packed into a tight Agatha Christie kind of whodunit format that will keep the audience on the edge of their seat.
"We need to go beyond romance, fairy tale endings and thriller and tell the stories the way they are in reality," feels Acharya, who has been widely appreciated by the audience and the critics alike for his films like Biloo Rakkhosh and Pupa.
Parcel, which has an open-ended script will see Rituparna play Nandini, a doctor-turned-happy-housewife of a successful doctor played by Saswata Chatterjee. Her life suddenly turns topsy-turvy when she starts receiving parcels containing her pictures old and new, sent by an unidentified person, which makes her suspect people around her. Her husband Souvik too goes through a professional crisis when a patient dies at the hospital due to suspected negligence on his part.
"I always wanted Parcel to visit national and international festivals before it's theatrical release and what better way to kickstart that than KIFF itself," exclaims Indrasis.
Parcel will be screened on November 10 and 14 at 6 pm and 5.15 pm at Ajanta Cinema and Nandan 2 respectively