After beautifully portrayed relationship tales in films like Abyakto, Guldasta and Shrimati, filmmaker Arjunn Dutta is back again with an interesting plot. Led by actors Abir Chatterjee and Tnusree Chakraborty, the story is woven around a divorced couple with a child and how they navigate their lives post-separation.
"We are witnessing such termination of relationships almost every other day. But what tickles my thought process is that do these couple and their stories cease to exist totally or does the essence of their past connection still lingers somewhere deep down within their hearts? Deep Fridge explores that area of thought," reflects Arjunn.
With Abir Chatterjee and Tnusree Chakraborty in the lead, the film has an able cast comprising actors Anuradha Mukherjee, Shoaib Kabeer and Debjani Chatterjee among others, Deep Fridge definitely deserves to be among the films that audiences will look forward to.
Produced by Colours of Dream Entertainment, the film will be captured by National Award-winning cinematographer Supratim Bhol and will have music by Soumya Rit.