Chasing one's dreams and turning them true with all your passion is one thing that’s common between filmmaker Indrasis Acharya and actress Anuradha Mukherjee. With intense films like Biloo Rakhosh, Pupa, and Parcel to his credit, it comes as no surprise that his fourth film, Niharika, too will be exploring the depths of the human psyche, albeit in the backdrop of open nature that takes us back to good old days. Anuradha, who has managed to choose her roles carefully since her small yet impressive Bengali debut with Sweater, is seen playing the lead in this film. We chat with Indrasis and Anuradha to know more.
This is your fourth film, how different is it from your last three films?
Indrasis: Each time we make new films, we all feel that we are doing something very different than before. If you ask about Niharika, I feel the difference lies in the atmospheric nature of the film. It’s more atmospheric than my other films which are predominantly shot indoors. Niharika takes us back to our past and evokes a sense of nostalgia right when we are going through a rapid communication revolution with which we can’t cope adequately. Also, it has also explored various layers of relationships.
As a filmmaker, exposing the audience’s innermost feelings and thoughts in front of them is the most challenging and satisfying part of the process. Niharika as a film doesn’t hesitate to explore the fact that love can grow for anyone at any time and can’t be restricted by a thought process conditioned by societal norms. This tenet is challenged, through the character of Deepa (Anuradha) and her uncle (Silajit).
This is you’re your first lead in a Bengali film after your debut with Sweater in 2019.
Anuradha: In Bengali, this is the first time someone has trusted my abilities. It’s not because I am playing the lead, but honestly, Niharika is Indrasis’ best work so far. It has a very good screenplay and the best part about Indrasis is that he doesn't restrict actors and lets them discover the characters in their own way. The film isn’t about great makeup or costumes, I simply poured my emotions out and it was cathartic at times.
Indrasis: I chose Anuradha because she is very passionate and possesses very unconventional and intelligent looks. She also has very intense eyes and a resolute persona that goes well with Deepa’s character.
Niharika has been crowd-funded and it was after many struggles that you could complete it…
Indrasis: I don’t know how long I have to wage battles while making films that I want to make. But I feel it’s the freedom to make films the way I want to that keeps me going. Though the initial struggle is exasperating, when I see the end result it fills me with deep satisfaction and hope. Niharika is a partly crowd-funded film which took me one and a half years to complete, but the entire filming experience was worthwhile thanks to my cast and crew team. And now that it’s releasing on 15 screens, fills me with so much joy.
Anuradha: We all were so charged up. Also, we have explored Shimultala through all four seasons, which is rare.
You already got a lot of positive feedback at festivals...
Indrasis: Yes, it was so humbling. We got amazing reactions at all the global festivals including Vietnam and Australia. Even in Kerala, we had three back-to-back houseful shows.
How was it working with musician-actor Silajit?
Anuradha: He is a very unpredictable and under-utilised actor.
Indrasis: He is not a pretender and he speaks straight from his heart. After Barun Chanda, I think it’s Silajit who hasn't been cast enough in films.
What are your upcoming films?
Indrasis: I am thinking of a Bengali movie and will be able to shed more light on the same only after everything take a little shape.
Anuradha: I have Arjunn Dutta’s Deep Fridge coming up next apart from a couple of more series for which I am in talks.
Niharika is running in theatres now