Actor Yogesh Bhardwaj, recognised for his roles in Zee5’s Lost, Kadakh Singh, Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga, and Chhipkali, is set to make his directorial debut with the film Dhavak. The movie stars Yashpal Sharma and Geeta Agarwal Sharma in the lead roles.
The film is produced by Praveshh Gaur and Bhardwaj under their new banner, Srauta Movies. Production of Dhavak will commence on September 4. The cast also includes Jogi Mallang, Malkhan Singh, Sandeep Goyat, and Vishal Dahiya, with music composed by Rachita Arora, known for her work on Mukkabaaz.
Bhardwaj describes Dhavak as a story that resonates with every person, particularly children from small villages in India who, despite their talent, struggle to succeed due to adverse circumstances.
Reflecting on his journey into directing, Bhardwaj shares, “While studying acting at the film institute, I completed a year-long filmmaking course. My involvement in writing, including two full-length Hindi plays titled Anu and Pehle Kyun Nahi Bataya, as well as directing several plays, laid the foundation for this move. My experience as an associate director on three films further inspired me to merge my acting skills with filmmaking, prompting my shift towards production and directing.”
Producer Praveshh Gaur adds, “We carefully considered our options before finalizing the film’s direction and details. Yogesh proposed revisiting a script he wrote during the lockdown, which had not been released due to COVID. After discussion, we agreed that this script would be a perfect choice for our debut feature. Set in a small village in Haryana, the film will explore the journey and challenges faced by athletes from the region who compete in the Olympics.”