MTV Roadies, the iconic reality show known for its intense challenges and dramatic twists, is back with a thrilling new season, Double Cross. The show's original host, Rannvijay Singha, is set to return, marking his 20th year with the franchise.
Rannvijay, a beloved figure in Indian television, has been an integral part of Roadies since its inception. His passion, energy and ability to connect with contestants have made him a fan favourite. As the show enters its 20th season, Rannvijay is excited to continue his journey as the host and mentor to a new generation of Roadies. The announcement was carried out on an Instagram post.
This season, Double Cross, promises even more drama and betrayal as contestants navigate a treacherous path to victory. The title suggests that trust will be a rare commodity, and contestants will need to be constantly on guard against the potential betrayals of their fellow Roadies.
Roadies has become a cultural phenomenon where countless young people push their limits and pursue their dreams. The show's popularity can be attributed to its unique blend of adventure, competition, and personal growth. By participating in Roadies, contestants have the opportunity to test their physical and mental endurance, develop new skills and forge lasting friendships.
Auditions for Roadies Double Cross will begin in October, starting in Delhi and continuing in Chandigarh, Hyderabad and Pune.