Walking off the beaten track, luxury fashion designer Divya Aggarwal started her eponymous fashion label to change the face of traditional wear with fusion. Her couture ensembles reflect her avant-garde sensibilities — to be experimental in fashion by pushing away trends that are cliché. Perhaps, that has resonated with many stars like Kiara Advani, Neha Kakkar, Ishita Dutta, Aneri Vajani, Krystle Dsouza, and many others who have sported her creations. The Delhi-based designer blends the timelessness of Indian craftsmanship while staying true to modish urban ethos. This time, she has dropped her latest collection which is an amalgamation of five capsules — Sphene, Prehnite, Fluorite, Almandine, and Carnelian.
She elaborates on the theme inspired by gemology and geology, “Every capsule is inspired by the raw beauty of rocks, gemstones, and their natural allure. The two main essences of my label are versatility and sartorial fusion that I have melded in this edit. My learnings from the fast-fashion industry and ever-changing market acted as a muse, allowing me to break the monotony of slow fashion by launching new capsules without being restricted to seasonal trends.”
The study of natural rocks, gems, stones and minerals has often piqued the interest of creative designers over their magnetic structure, form and matter. Divya too titled each of the capsules on the name of a precious gemstone. The collections exude feminine allure with traditionally rooted embellishments as seen in Sphene. Divya has also employed psychedelic prints and cascading capes in Prehnite. She brings versatility in pieces like sharara sets with bustiers in Fluorite while channelling a bold avatar with boho prints from Almandine. However, it is the Carnelian that best captures feminine sensuality and grace featuring cascading capes, intricate threadwork and a dreamy usage of organza as a base.
The fashion major from Parsons Of Design, New York City tells us about the making, “I translated my inspiration from stones, rocks and gemstones into abstract and textured forms to add an essence of peculiarity. Like each stone has a unique form of beauty, I incorporated the same anatomy through embroideries, colours, and motifs within each capsule. The idea engraved behind every capsule is diverse yet complements unique fashion aesthetics with trendy silhouettes that effortlessly blend into the classic fashion quotient. My purpose is to push away the cliché trends by having contemporary sartorial interpretation of traditional fashion. I aim to let fashion lovers be as experimental as they want with designs that acknowledge mass fashion needs while keeping in mind the importance of slow fashion.”
This spirit to bring newness is evident in the seamless transition of ethnic wear into voguish and classy pieces like a princess gown with scallop embellishments and pearl detailing, a lehenga with cape sleeves, plunging neckline and slit that is designed to look like an evening gown, a pre-draped concept sari with puffed sleeves and belt and many such creative morphings. We were curious to know what’s Divya’s next drop. “It will be about unforgettable colours of nature with a touch of peculiarity and luxury! You’re about to witness a turn for utilitarianism with designs that add extra to any ordinary look,” she tells us.
Rs.75,000 upwards. Available online and in-store.
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