Coach unveils new Denim Collection

The campaign introduces the Coach Spring collection within a story about finding courage
Coach Spring collection
Coach Spring collection
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1 min read

Beginning a journey of self-discovery, the Coach "Find Your Courage" campaign takes us into a world where real and virtual mix together. In this phase of the campaign, virtual characters Imma and Wu Jinyan dive into the world of denim, a classic symbol of self-expression. They explore how denim has evolved over time, embracing its timeless appeal while also pushing boundaries to create new possibilities. Imma learns from Wu Jinyan about the courage to embrace change and innovation within this classic realm, showing how the campaign is all about embracing who you are in exciting new ways. In addition to this, Imma also learns about the courage to take risks, where she learns to overcome uncertainty by taking a bold leap forward.

Set in a virtual universe, the campaign introduces the Coach Spring collection within a story about finding the courage to discover what it means to be real in your own way.

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