Interestingly called Guns & Thighs, this label made its debut in Bengaluru in 2021, aiming to merge the elegance of luxury fashion with the edginess of street-wear. The brand aimed to challenge conventional fashion standards, presenting a distinctive combination of upscale looks and urban flair. A brainchild of co-founders Vaishnavi S — a design student; and Abhishek PR, who has more than 14 years of experience in the fashion sector — we catch up with the duo to talk about their latest edit Urban Odyssey that has just hit shelves.
“The latest addition to our lineup, Urban Odyssey, is inspired by the lively rhythm of city life and the enduring spirit of street culture. We sought to merge the energetic vibe of urban settings with traditional, durable street wear styles. Our aim was to embody the essence of contemporary city life while staying dedicated to our principles of high fashion and sustainability,” begins Vaishnavi.
The name Guns & Thighs aims to capture the spirit of the brand, focusing on strength, confidence and a rebellious attitude. Guns, we are told, stands for power and resilience, highlighting the tough and rugged aspects of the label’s designs, while Thighs signifies beauty, style and the charm of fashion. Expect diverse silhouettes including T-shirts, polos, co-ords, sweatshirts and bottoms in Urban Odyssey.
“We’ve blended striking shades like rich indigo and vibrant electric blue with gentler hues such as soft grays and warm off-whites. To elevate the visual appeal, we’ve introduced bursts of neon green and sunset orange, adding a bold flair that captivates the eye,” explains Abhishek.
“In this collection, we’ve thoughtfully curated a selection of top-notch fabrics that beautifully merge luxury with resilience. Our choice of premium cotton blends offers exceptional breathability and comfort, while the addition of textured denim provides a tough, urban vibe. Moreover, we’ve embraced sustainable materials like recycled polyester to reflect our dedication to environmentally friendly practices,” Vaishnavi concludes.
INR 2,495 onwards. Available online.
X: @elromal