It wouldn’t be a fashion pop-up in the city if you didn’t spot Vidhya Maghanathsunder and her brand Urbanitti at the event. The city-based entrepreneur has managed quite a following in Coimbatore, with customers looking for retail options of her intricate brass earrings and necklaces even on Instagram. With no background in designing, the 36-year-old says that creating jewellery was just something she chanced upon during a trip back to India while she was living in the US in 2013. “I had been to a bead show and was only looking to pick up something I could bring back to be made in India,” she shares. However, a couple of YouTube videos later, Vidhya found her friends in the US offering to buy her jewellery.
One-and-a-half years since her move back to Coimbatore, the MCA graduate from Amrita Vishwa Vidya-peetham says that the jewellery market in the city is unlike her clientele in the US. “People here prefer to wear bold, statement neck pieces. Even when it comes to earrings, there is a bias in favour of larger pieces.”
Tackling the conservative jewellery market, all of Urbanitti’s jewellery comes plated with 16K and 24K gold, thereby, playing into Coimbatore’s love for the precious metal. While all the metal components are crafted from brass before plating, the designer herself does not work on the metal design. “I curate multiple elements for the product from across the globe and put them together in different combinations to create the final piece.” Importing her beads, baubles and charms for her necklaces from countries in Africa and Turkey, Vidhya finds parallels between ethnic jewellery of India and these regions.
Working on semi-precious stones, Urbanitti has a rustic charm, with Vidya preferring to use stones like quartz, agate, jade and lapis over Swarovski crystals. As on her favourite design, she tells us that Urbanitti’s hoop earring range is popular. Besides this statement collection that includes dangler earrings with intricate designs, look out for the petite range that features, quirky animal and bird shapes.
Earrings start at Rs 1,200. Details: