He started working at the age of 18 and styles some of the A-listers in Bollywood including Farhan Akhtar, Manish Malhotra, Arjun Rampal, Akshara Hassan, Purab Kohli, Anurag Kashyap and Vijay Varma. We are talking about hairstylist Saurabh Bhatkar, who was recently at the city’s BBlunt salon run by Priti Agarwal to style some of the city’s gorgeous fashionistas. Bhatkar, who just completed styling for the action-drama Yudra, starring Siddhant Chaturvedi and Malavika Mohanan, chatted with us about the latest styles and how the pandemic has made us return to basics.
How much has hair styling changed in these two years?
There has been a major change. Previously, styling was all about changing what you had and now, it’s all about embracing and loving what you have — be it your skin or the texture of your hair. In a way, it’s good since earlier people used to go for chemical treatments, hair botox and straightening without knowing the kind of long-term damage they might cause. Now it’s about styling your hair naturally.
What’s trending when it comes to hairstyling?
We are going back in time and right now balayage hair colour on long hair is still going strong since it is easy-to-do and low-maintenance. Also, the nice classic bob hair is back with a bang, be it shoulder-length or up till your collar bones or a neat pixie cut.
Some tips for hair styling and care?
You need to consult a hair expert and understand the product line you require before you start using the same. They must be friendly on your hair and free from harmful chemicals including sulphate, silicone and paraben even if it is shampoo or a conditioner or any styling product. Also, not every scalp needs an oil, use a heat protector before you use an iron, dryer or tongs or even before you step out in the sun. If you swim, use a chlorine removal shampoo. Also, take care of your tresses before and after you style them. Have biotin for your hair and follow a proper diet. If you have straight hair and a long face, then cut your hair really short to accentuate the sharp jawline. If you have a plump face and frizzy hair, wear your tresses long to make them look less round. Frizzy hair calls for leave-in climate control cream every day.
Celebs with great hair?
I really like Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s hair a lot.
Twitter: @sharmidas