Google needs your help! You can now update road directions and rename missing roads on Google Maps

You can add missing roads by drawing lines, quickly rename roads, change road directionality, and realign or delete incorrect roads
Google needs your help! You can now update road directions and rename missing roads on Google Maps
Google needs your help! You can now update road directions and rename missing roads on Google Maps

Google is now letting users draw and update the Maps directly via a new road editing tool. This map editing experience is available in more than 80 countries, and allows Maps users to add missing roads and realign, rename or delete incorrect ones.

"When you see a road missing on, simply click on the side menu button, go to ‘Edit the map', and select ‘Missing Road.' Now the power to map is in your hands!" Kevin Reece, Director of Product, Google Maps, said in a statement late on Thursday.

You can add missing roads by drawing lines, quickly rename roads, change road directionality, and realign or delete incorrect roads.

"You can even let us know if a road is closed with details like dates, reasons and directions. To make sure the suggestions and edits are accurate, we'll vet contributed road updates before publishing them," Reece informed.

This feature is rolling out over the coming months in more than 80 countries where people can already report road updates on Google Maps.

The company also announced that to help local businesses in Google Search and Maps, people using Android in the US can join its first nationwide challenge to rally helpful reviews, photos and updates.

In the coming weeks, the company said it will roll out a new content type in Google Maps: photo updates which is an easy way to find and share experiences and highlights with recent photos.

"A Google Maps photo update is a recent snapshot of a place with a short text description, without the need to leave a review or rating," it added.

Photo updates can help people make more informed decisions with a place's most recent images.

Google relies on 170 billion high-definition Street View images from 87 countries, contributions from hundreds of millions of businesses and people using Google Maps, and authoritative data from more than 10,000 local governments, transit agencies and organisations.

*Edited from an IANS report

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