Khushboo Khosla Gupta tells us how she's paving the way for women in the electronics industry

The entrepreneur also opened up about her new lifestyle brand
Khushboo took the Khosla brand to new heights in just a few years
Khushboo took the Khosla brand to new heights in just a few years

Khushboo Khosla Gupta was in her early 20s when she joined her family business. In the last few years, besides taking Khosla Electronics to significant new heights, Khushboo has also started her own home brand KGA, which she co-founded with her husband Abhinav Gupta. “Electronics industry is still a male-dominated space, it was important for me to make my women workers feel safe and validated,” she tells us. The young entrepreneur chats with us to explain her professional priorities:

When did you decide you wanted to pursue the family business?

After I acquired a Masters in International Business from the UK, I came back and joined in. The company was founded by my father and uncle in 1987; we just had one showroom back then in Hazra, now we have more than 40 stores in the city.

What was your vision for the company when you stepped in?

I did want to make way for more customer relationship management activities and pay attention to corporate social responsibilities. I also wanted to take Khosla Electronics out of Bengal, that’s when Jaipur, Lucknow and Ranchi happened.

What has been the biggest challenge for you?

You know how we always read about Bollywood and nepotism? But I believe it’s sometimes easier to do things if you’re already within the industry. But I am obviously aware of the challenges women working in this sector face. A year ago, I started a women’s security cell at Khosla; a lot of higher executives in the company are men, so women can actually use this cell to talk about harassment. 

Women who have inspired you?

As  a leader, I liked how Indira Gandhi followed in her father’s footsteps, I read a lot about her. Our business is also going to be led by women as our family has three daughters.

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