Here's how poor gut health causes hair fall

The gut plays a crucial role in the absorption and assimilation of micronutrients essential for hairhealth
Image Credits: Pexels
Image Credits: Pexels

In today's fast-paced world, many people experience issues related to hair health, such as thinning, hair fall, and premature greying. These concerns are often attributed to a combination of factors, including age, pollution, improper lifestyle, improper diet, and stress. Understanding the causes and implementing preventive measures can help maintain healthy hair. One of the primary causes of hair fall is poor gut health. The gut plays a crucial role in the absorption and assimilation of micronutrients essential for hair
health. Additionally, hormonal imbalances related to hair fall can also be influenced by gut health. Taking care of your gut by incorporating a balanced diet and addressing digestive issues can have a positive impact on hair health.

Vitamin deficiencies such as low levels o f Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 can also contribute to hair fall. Ensuring adequate levels of these vitamins through diet or supplements is essential. Alongside these specific vitamins, the entire spectrum of vitamin B complex, including B1 (thiamine), biotin (B7), and
folic acid (B9) and even minerals like zinc, iron, and trace minerals such as sodium, potassium, selenium, boron, and phosphorus also play vital roles in maintaining healthy hair. Checking blood iron levels, including ferritin, can provide insights into potential deficiencies. Supplementing or adjusting the diet to incorporate these essential minerals can support healthy hair growth. Including specific foods in your diet can help overcome deficiencies in essential nutrients such as vitamin B complex, iron, ferritin and magnesium, so try to incorporate whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole egg, spinach, fish, nutritional yeast, green leafy veggies, dark chocolate, etc into your diet. You can enhance iron absorption by consuming these foods with vitamin C-rich sources like citrus fruits, berries and bell peppers, etc.

Indulging in a varied and balanced diet that includes these nutrient-rich foods can help overcome deficiencies. However, it’s important to note that if you suspect a deficiency or have specific health concerns, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalised advice and appropriate supplementation if needed. Hormonal imbalances can also be a significant factor in hair fall. Testing levels of hormones such as DHEA, prolactin, testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone can provide insights into any imbalances that may be contributing to hair loss. To prevent hair fall and promote healthy hair, several measures can be implemented. Firstly, a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of colourful vegetables (creating a ‘rainbow’ on your plate) is essential. Avoiding fad diets and focusing on whole foods will provide the necessary nutrients for
hair health.

Managing stress is crucial as chronic stress can contribute to hairfall. Incorporating stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and regular exercise can help reduce stress levels and promote overall well-being, including healthy hair. Using chemical-free shampoos and opting for natural hair care products can minimise exposure to harsh chemicals that can damage the hair and scalp. Additionally, regularly oiling the hair with a mixture of castor oil plus either coconut oil, sesame oil or mustard oil that suits individual preferences can nourish the hair and scalp. Ensuring proper
sleep and practicing good sleep hygiene can contribute to overall health, including hair health. Getting enough restorative sleep allows the body to repair and regenerate, including the hair follicles. For individuals who swim regularly, wearing a pool cap is recommended. Chlorine and chemicals in the water can weaken the hair, leading to damage and hair fall.

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