Don't miss the 'super blue blood moon' on Wednesday

On January 31, the full moon will be the second in a month, making it a blue moon
Don't miss the 'super blue blood moon' on Wednesday

On January 31, if you are in the right part of the world, you'll be able to look up at the sky and see what you could call a super blue blood moon.

A full moon that happens at the part of the moon’s orbit that is closest to the Earth is known as a Supermoon. This will also be the second full moon of a calendar month, which is commonly referred to as a blue moon by NASA. In certain parts of the world, it'll be possible to see a total lunar eclipse, which can give the moon a reddish hue when the Earth comes between the sun and our satellite, hence the name "blood moon."

The last time all three of these events happened at the same time was almost 152 years ago. The lunar eclipse component of these three aligned events is fascinating for astronomers since the rapid temperature changes that occur when the Earth blocks the direct light of the sun can reveal new aspects of the moon's surface.

To catch the eclipse, you'll need to look up at the right time: early in the morning in North America and the Eastern Pacific, evening for those in the Middle East, Asia, and Australia.

For those on central time, NASA reports that the best viewing will be from about 6:15 a.m. to 6:30 a.m., with Earth's reddish shadow clearly visible on the moon before the sun comes up. The whole Super Blue Blood Moon lasts for three hours, although the full eclipse is only for an hour.

India timings are as follows: MAS: 6.04 BLR: 615 HYD: 6.21 Ahd: 6.22 MUM, Goa: 6.27 DEL: 6.30 End time for all: 9.38pm. Peak for all: 6.59pm.

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