For those who want to sing their way through the lockdown, Chennai-based Shruti Kuruvilla will make sure you hist those notes right. Effervescent and always focused on seeing the bright side, the lockdown didn’t stop the music for Shruti. “Once schools announced they were closing to prevent the spread of the COVID-19, we at Bach to Basics took an overnight decision to conduct our piano and vocal classes online, for the safety of both our students and teachers. We were able to seamlessly transition to this method of teaching and are now conducting classes for children and adults across South India,” says Shruti.
This banker by profession started Bach to Basics five years ago — offering classes in piano, guitar and western vocal music, for both adults and children. “This lockdown is emerging as the right time to invest in one’s self learning, and what better time to learn an instrument or put those vocal chords to the test. Bach to Basics offers just that, with flexible timings, to suit your schedule,” says the Trinity grade pianist.
With six music teachers in her team, they also have online lessons for tiny tots, and their next module will be themed around Disney Soundtracks we are told.
INR 3,000 for four 45 minute sessions. INR 2,000 for four 30 mins sessions. @bachtobasicsmusic