Sex and advice
Sex and advice

Things you wish you'd known before your first sexual encounter 

Having sex for the first time is always a little awkward and confusing. Here's what some people wish they'd heard before their first encounter 

From pre-mature ejaculation to the kind of wrong body expectations that porn gives you, the first time you have sex always comes with a barrage of misconceptions and beliefs. Some of them are really silly but they're legit reasons given that you've never had sex before.

So you're free to think however you want. We spoke to some people about their first time and they gave us some answers. 

Nikesh Raj, 25*

I wish someone would've told me about premature ejaculation. The first time I had sex , I climaxed in 30 seconds. And also porn is not reality. Where in reality it's mostly you trying things that you saw in porn, looking silly doing and laughing about it. I also felt that losing your virginity is overrated because you'd think that something will change, but it actually doesn't. For me, sex actually destroyed a lot of fantasies that porn created. For example, oral sex. It's so common in porn but never done that much in reality. 

Kiran Prakash, 27*

I wish someone had told me that it doesn't necessarily have to work out the very first time. There's so much pressure to perform when you are with a woman for the first time that sometimes it just doesn't happen. I thought either something was wrong with me, or she wasn't aroused enough. Either way it makes you feel less prepared. I also wish someone had told me that kissing was an important thing. Because it literally leads the way to the rest of the night. And you get to know the person much more. I also want to tell people that they shouldn't feel bad if their kissing game is not that strong because eventually you'll catch up and improve on it. 

Priya Sridhar, 29*

The whole idea of sex seems so daunting until you actually do it. Especially for women, it feels like everything is going to hurt. I wish people had told me that it's not a big deal and that you can do it at your own pace. And that it CAN be something you enjoy. If we did that more often, I think women would be less scared of sex. Body image issues is another thing. Porn is full of hairless, fair, clean women. It almost feels synthetic. Indians are hairy! Porn just creates this false image about sex. 

Chandra Singh*

I think the biggest misconception I had about sex was that it's going to be a 'Wham bham thank you ma'am' situation where the guy just leaves after it is done. I was so glad that I was proved wrong because the men I met actually discussed sports, politics and music. It was such a light moment because you instantly feel comfortable with the other person. People make sex sound very mechanic sometimes. 

*All names have been changed as per request 

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