Here is how to differentiate between a cold and the flu

People need to be able to distinguish between a cold and the flu immediately so that they can get the right kind of medical care
Understanding these differences is essential for directing the care that is required| Picture credit: Adrian Swancar (Unsplash)
Understanding these differences is essential for directing the care that is required| Picture credit: Adrian Swancar (Unsplash)

Flu (influenza) and common cold cases are increasing nowadays and it can be challenging to differentiate between the two viral respiratory diseases because their symptoms are similar and frequently overlap.

“With seasonal changes and sudden shifts in the weather during the monsoon season, we witness a rise of various viral infections ranging from the flu to common cold. It is especially important to recognise the differences across conditions to effectively treat them and speed up the process of recovery. Further, to avoid these seasonal infections, understanding and adopting preventive measures are also important to keep people healthy and protected (sic),” said Dr Agam Vora, chest physician from Advanced Multi Specialty Hospitals, Vile Parle and assoc. hon. & in-charge, department of chest & TB at Dr R.N. Cooper Municipal General Hospital.

It is essential for people to be able to distinguish between a cold and the flu immediately so that they can get the right kind of medical care. Here are a few key distinctions to bear in mind between the two:

Here are four key differences between a cold and the flu:

  • Despite how easily they can spread from one person to another through the air, direct contact, and bodily discharge, they are both caused by separate viruses. Different strains or varieties of the influenza virus particularly cause the flu, but a common cold can result from several viruses, the most prevalent of which is the rhinovirus. Consulting a doctor is advised to determine whether someone is suffering from the flu. They will evaluate one's symptoms and possibly suggest getting tested to find out the virus's type.
  • Body aches, weariness, headaches, sore throats, coughs, and runny or stuffy noses are among the symptoms shared by the two illnesses. But unlike a cold, the flu frequently causes a high fever as well (commonly 101 degrees Fahrenheit or more). Chills (shivering or shaking), which are frequent with influenza but not with colds, are another distinguishing characteristic. And generally speaking, cold symptoms are less severe than flu symptoms.
  • There are also differences in how symptoms first appear, with the flu's symptoms beginning more abruptly and progressing more quickly than those of a cold. After a week, cold symptoms typically become better. When it comes to the flu, symptoms might linger up to a week and can gradually get better over two to five days.
  • In comparison to a cold, the flu can potentially result in more serious complications. Particularly in at-risk patients with comorbidities like lung or heart conditions, diabetes or hypertension, influenza can develop into a serious disease requiring hospitalisation. Lung infections or pneumonia are also some associated complications.

Understanding these differences is essential for directing the care that is required. At the same time, it's important to keep in mind that there are preventive steps that may be taken as this year's flu season gets underway. Understanding the precautions to take this season to avoid these conditions can therefore be helpful.

According to the WHO (World Health Organisation), vaccination is one of the most important measures to avoid flu infections. The immunological protection provided by the flu vaccination can deteriorate with time, therefore doing this every year is advised. According to WHO recommendations, annual injections improve defence against the mutating influenza virus, whose structure changes each year. While there is no vaccination to prevent the common cold, personal cleanliness is essential to avoiding illness.

Dr Jejoe Karan Kumar, Director, Medical Affairs at Abbott said, “By educating the population on the need for a range of preventive measures against respiratory illnesses, including vaccination, we can empower people to protect themselves and others from such conditions. This can prevent unnecessary complications down the line, particularly for children, the elderly and individuals with underlying conditions (sic).”

In addition to getting vaccinated against the flu, other common preventive measures for the flu and the common cold include washing hands more frequently (for at least 20 seconds), avoiding close contact with people who are contagious, and refraining from touching one's eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands. Take preventative measures to be healthy this season, but also be aware of the warning signals so you can get help right away.

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