
Meet Aishwarya Pissay, the 23-year-old biker who is a national rally champion

Ayesha Tabassum

Aishwarya Pissay is the first Indian woman to win five National titles in Road Racing and Rally Championship combined. Her ride to success has been replete with ups and downs – a broken collar bone, life-threatening injuries and months in the hospital. The 23-year-old off-roader has defied the odds each time to prove that racing is not only a sport for males, as traditionally believed.
"Motor racing has traditionally been a sport dominated by men. However, I am glad that this perception is slowly changing. The race track doesn’t present you with different challenges basis your gender. So why should riders be restricted to a particular gender?" asks Aishwarya who has been chosen by Mountain Dew to be part of the 'Risk Utha Naam Bana' initiative that celebrates the spirit of common people who strive to achieve the extraordinary.

A short film on the young biker has been released by the brand on YouTube. "I pledge to continue challenging the norm and showing the world that 'naam banana' is not something restricted to a particular gender," signs off the biker.