
Surendra Tekale’s ‘Lost in Oscillation’ is a compelling contemporary dance piece

Rupam Jain

Starting his career as an actor and known for his captivating performances across various plays and esteemed theatre festivals, theatre and movement artiste Surendra Tekale has been part of prominent events such as Bharat Ranga Mahotsav (Delhi), Thespo17 (Mumbai), and Vinoddoshi Festival (Pune). Fueling his passion for contemporary art, he  completed  an intensive two-year diploma course at the Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts in Bengaluru.

As a visionary choreographer, he deftly merges elements of physical theatre and experimental dance theatre, delivering thought-provoking performances that reverberate with social, political, and environmental relevance. His unwavering conviction in the transformative power of art as a conduit between critical issues and the masses is deeply rooted in Mahatma Gandhi’s timeless maxim, ‘If you want the change, be the change.’

As Surendra brings his Lost in Oscillation, “an audacious and compelling contemporary dance piece,” we speak to the artiste to know more, and we start by asking what is Lost in Oscillation all about. “It is a piece that delves into the enigmatic realm of self-doubt, offering a mesmerising exploration of the contradictory nature of doubt, weaving together elements of absurdity, abstraction, and allure. It challenges conventional notions of identity, perception, and human psyche through intricate choreography, evocative visuals, and soundscape,” Surendra says.

Surendra Tekale

Conceived and directed by Surendra  and performed by Chetan Yeragera, Lost in Oscillation is an intriguing piece. “The idea came to my mind around six months ago, when I was still in France. Later, I shared it with my friend, Chetan. It is inspired by self-doubt; as an artiste, we are always questioning ourselves and our art, so it all started from our own experience,” Surendra says.

Chetan is an accomplished artiste immersed in the world of dance and movement since childhood. With eight years of dedicated training in street dance, hip-hop, and acrobatics, he has mastered his craft. After graduating from Attakkalari in 2018, Chetan worked as a company dancer, captivating audiences throughout India.

For the whole choreography, Surendra shares that a different body language was created, which came from different tasks he gave to the dancer, and the dancer put himself into this vulnerable state while creating it. “The piece is quite heavy for the dancer as he puts himself in front of the audience. He has the freedom to move according to what he feels in the moment; but he still needs to follow a structure,” Surendra explains.

In Lost in Oscillation, Chetan  embodies ethereal beings caught in a surreal dreamscape, where self-doubt manifests as a physical entity. This intangible force envelops the dancer, distorting their movements and warping their perception of self. The stage transforms into a shifting labyrinth of reflective surfaces, reflecting fragmented images that mirror the dancer’s internal struggle. “We have used contemporary movement in this whole creation, which came from his (Chetan’s) emotions and thoughts,” the director says.

As we inch to the close of this conversation, we ask Surendra about his views on the changing face of dance as an art form, and he shares, “Contemporary art gives you the freedom to express yourself. It’s good that artistes are exploring new ways and breaking boundaries; the freedom gives you a lot of different possibilities and different perspectives to look at certain things or certain issues.”

Tickets at Rs 300. 
September 22, 7 pm. At Medai –The Stage, Alwarpet.
