Mind and Body

Try these fruits and vegetables to boost brain health and reduce post-holiday stress

Team Indulge

The aftermath of the holiday season often leaves us grappling with stress, and it may not be solely due to the return to routine. Your indulgence in holiday treats, laden with sugar and salt, might be contributing to elevated stress levels. The continued consumption of such foods, even after the festivities, could be affecting mood, energy levels, and overall productivity by depriving your body of essential nutrients.

Excessive sugar and salt intake during the holidays can lead to persistent cravings, impacting stress levels, according to research. Managing stress post-Christmas and New Year's involves paying attention to your nutritional intake. Research suggests that incorporating magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron, and niacin into your diet can help manage stress effectively.

The composition of gut microbiota, consisting of both good and bad bacteria, plays a crucial role in influencing mood. Healthy dietary choices contribute to an improved mood, while unhealthy indulgences may exacerbate stress levels.

Recognising the symptoms of high stress:

1. Digestive Issues: Stress diverts attention away from the digestive process.

2. Weight Gain: Elevated stress hormones may lead to weight retention.

3. High Blood Pressure: Blood vessels constrict to expedite nutrient transport.

4. High Blood Sugar: Glucose is converted to serve as an additional energy source.

Here's a list of four fruits and vegetables known to help manage stress levels, boosting energy and productivity:

1. Beetroot:

   - High in nitric oxide, beetroot aids blood flow and regulates blood pressure.

   - Incorporate beets into roasted veggies or create a cold beet salad with pumpkin seeds, feta cheese, and olive oil.

2. Blueberries:

   - Reduces oxidative stress and enhances cognitive function.

   - Promotes brain health and better mood management.

   - Include blueberries in smoothies, or oatmeal, or enjoy a bowl of fresh berries.

3. Avocado:

   - Rich in monosaturated fats supporting brain health and regulating stress hormones.

   - Maintains balanced blood pressure, promoting overall stress resilience.

   - Add avocado to sourdough toast, and salads, or enjoy it as guacamole with veggies.

4. Pomegranates:

   - Fights oxidative damage during stress.

   - Higher antioxidant activity compared to wine and green tea.

   - Regular intake of pomegranate juice may have anti-depressant-like effects.

   - Include pomegranates in yoghurt, salads, or enjoy a small bowl of fresh pomegranate.

By making mindful food choices, one can positively impact stress levels, fostering a healthier and more energised lifestyle.