
Wellness: Four emotional healing practices you can do right now for better health

Deepika Rathod

We all are going through the same phase in life where we want everything to settle soon and just be able to go out freely. While there are many who have used this pandemic as a learning process wherein they’ve started investing time in their health, hobbies, family and mind, on other hand there are people who are becoming more negative. There is increased stress and anxiety because of which there are mental, physical and emotional issues. We have seen that the former are leading a peaceful life, while those in the latter category face health issues. I hope most of you have got the answer by now on why the former are healthy, happy and peaceful.

We all have to look into healing And here are some important emotional healing tools that we can use to change our thoughts:

Gratitude: We have to sit and think that not everyone has the things that we have access to and that is the very reason why we should all be grateful for what we have. Some people are so engrossed in their negative emotions and bad thoughts that they forget they are blessed with so many things in life. We have to come out of our small circle and start practising gratitude. This means that we have to internally feel thankful for the things we have as compared to the ones who don’t have it. This will add more value to life and slowly it will start changing our thoughts too.

Visualisation: With the pandemic, pain, suffering and stress around us — we might not feel calm and relaxed, but try imagining a stress-free, peaceful, calm and relaxed situation in your mind. This can really help one to stay relaxed. The thought process will shift from negativity towards more positivity.

Relaxation: Relaxation doesn’t really mean going on an exotic holiday or a getaway but it means things that we can do. In fact, things that we really need to do is to calm our entire mind and body. Breathe in slowly, naturally and deeply to relax your whole body, part by part, from head to toe. Slow and rhythmic breathing will fill oxygen in each and every cell of your body to control one’s cortisol levels or the stress hormone. This, in turn, will keep the mind calm and your thoughts positive.

Appreciation: Take out time and always look for something good in every situation, in every person and in every circumstance. When we start appreciating the small things around us, we become more agile and we attract more abundance. Start penning five things in your day that usually go unappreciated. It could be as small as flowers around you which brings aroma and colours into your life. When you start looking for only positive things, you will start attracting more positivity into your life.

The writer is the Chief Nutrition Officer, Luke Coutinho Holistic Healing Systems. She is a clinical nutritionist with a focus on healthy lifestyle choices.

Photo courtesy: Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash