Hyundai Motor India Limited (HMIL) has announced the groundbreaking ceremony of its hydrogen innovation centre at the Tamil Nadu Investors Conclave 2024 in Chennai. Developed in partnership with the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) and Guidance Tamil Nadu, with strong support from the Tamil Nadu State Government, this cutting-edge facility aims to drive innovation in hydrogen technology.
The virtual groundbreaking was officiated by Thiru MK Stalin, the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, alongside key dignitaries including Dr TRB Rajaa, Minister for Industries, Investment Promotion & Commerce, Mr Arun Roy (IAS), Industries Secretary, Mr Vishnu (IAS), Guidance MD, Mr Gopalakrishnan Chathapuram Sivaramakrishnan, Whole-time Director and Chief Manufacturing Officer of Hyundai Motor India Limited, and Prof. V. Kamakoti, Director of IIT Madras, among other senior state officials. The 65,000 sq. ft. hydrogen innovation centre will be located at the IIT Madras Thaiyur campus, near Chennai.
This strategic partnership aims to accelerate the development and adoption of hydrogen technology in Tamil Nadu and across India. The hydrogen innovation centre aligns with HMIL’s vision of establishing Tamil Nadu as a hub for automotive innovation and advancing alternative fuel technologies. This initiative is also expected to contribute significantly to reducing Tamil Nadu's carbon footprint and fostering the growth of a skilled workforce for the emerging hydrogen economy.
The state-of-the-art hydrogen innovation centre will include several key facilities, such as:
Electrolyzer test rig for green hydrogen generation
Electrolyzer and fuel cell fabrication line to localize manufacturing and supply chains
Fuel cell test station
Operational & Diagnostic Digital Twin for hydrogen infrastructure
Pilot demonstrators using electrolyzers and fuel cells
Hydrogen refuelling station for hydrogen mobility research
The hydrogen innovation centre is expected to be fully operational by 2026, with the potential to play a pivotal role in the holistic development of India's hydrogen ecosystem.