Over the years, Kareena Kapoor Khan has successfully owned the ramp as the showstopper for the Lakmé Absolute Grand Finale. The actress has walked the finale ramp almost every season, including when she walked for Sabyasachi Mukherjee (Aug 2016) looking ethereal in a shimmery grey lehenga in the sixth month of her first pregnancy. And she was back the very next season, a month and a half after giving birth to Taimur (her first born), to walk for Anita Dongre (Feb 2017). However, the pandemic changed things. Kareena was seen missing from the action during the last two seasons (October 2020 and March 2021). And, while Mrunal Thakur closed the show last year and Ananya Panday last season, the golden girl was missed by one and all. Thankfully, Bebo returned to the fashion week and walked the ramp for designer Gaurav Gupta, looking absolutely stunning in an ivory sculpted gown featuring heavy embellishments. Ahead of the show, we spoke to the actress about the fashion week, the pandemic, embracing motherhood the second time around, social media and her film career. Excerpts from the interview:
Q. Kareena, you are back after two seasons! Did you miss walking the ramp for Lakmé Absolute Grand Finale as the showstopper?
Of course, I did. I like walking the ramp for the finale show. Lakmé Fashion Week has become a part of my life and it is exciting to walk for different designers. Of course, because of COVID-19, it became difficult but I am happy that I am back.
Q. You closed Gaurav Gupta’s show back in 2015 as well. What is it about him and his approach to fashion that interests you?
Gaurav is always about drama and his outfits make women feel amazing and feminine. This fashion week was about sustainability and the fact that he has come up with a collection made using fabric created from plastic excavated from oceans and landfills reaffirms that one can make conscious fashion choices and at the same time feel amazing.
Q. If you have to describe your finale outfit in three words, what would they be:
Dramatic, over the top and sexy.
Q. The last one-and-a-half years has seen the world deal with the pandemic and you embracing motherhood once again. How has this time shaped you as an individual?
I think the pandemic has made people realise the value of their own life, their health, their family and their parents. It has also taught everyone the value of time — the time that we share with our loved ones. It has also taught us that nobody is greater than the other. We are all here, experiencing the same thing and I feel we should share more love and positivity after what we have gone through.
Q. What is that one important lesson that it taught you?
It has taught me that nothing is permanent and neither will COVID-19 be, hopefully. (laughs)
Q. You made your 30s look fab and now you are making your 40s look exciting. What’s your mantra in life?
There is no mantra as such. I take each day as it comes and hope that the next day will be better than the other. The idea is to always be happy, keep experimenting and doing something different. I just keep moving on.
Q. Last time when we spoke you mentioned about considering your entry on social media. How has your experience been so far?
I am having fun with Instagram. I love it and I thoroughly enjoy it. I am staying away from all the trolls and negativity. My page is all about being real, being you, being relaxed and chill. It has not got any pretence; I share what I want to share. It is all heart. There is no space on my page for trolls. If they want to come and leave negative comments, it is fine because I don’t read them.
Q. You embraced motherhood again and that too in your 40s. Did that stop you from doing anything? What has it taught you?
No, it never stopped me from anything. I have always wanted to have two children but of course, it wasn’t really planned. But, I don’t think there is anything in my life that can give me the kind of joy that I experience when I am with Tim (Taimur) and Jeh (Jehangir). I think that’s the only joy that can never be replaced. And, I am sure that every mother feels that with their child. I am just enjoying my time with them.
Q. What’s next? We know there is Laal Singh Chaddha but is there anything else that you have signed?
Yes, I am going to start shooting a film next year, in February and I look forward to it. I will be able to do only one film a year or maybe two because my son is just seven months old. But yeah, work is my passion so I am for sure doing one or two films every year.
Q. And, what about a show for OTT?
I would love to do it. Maybe a film or a show for OTT. I am reading scripts but I have to really love it for me to do it. But there is something exciting coming up soon.